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The architectural ecosystem established by the iPhone as a prototype exhibits the utopian architecture ideal. Rather than the iPhone learning from architecture, architecture should learn from the iPhone to create a reciprocal relationship. The advanced construction of Apple store's tectonic elements(hardware and software) adapt, detect and monitor, to establish seamless connections between each element and feature, creating efficiencies through adaptable spaces, thereby serving its fundamental purpose of enhancing the collaboration of users. 






is a common phrase. However, when architects become equipped with skills in engineering technology that parallel the exponential growth of socio-technical complexities, Architects can decenter the human. Only then could the hybrid collaboration of humans and non-humans constructed from the building blocks of technology offer new possibilities to evaluate the world's needs to reorganise the social, political and environmental systems. 




The object trouve (found object) is







(Rouillard 2018) - Yona Friedman







text_object trouve_trans.png


Thus, for the architect,

the iPhone is the 'object trouve'.

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